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The Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights is a pioneering organization dedicated to advocating for the rights and best interests of immigrant children who arrive in the United States unaccompanied or separated from their families. Founded on principles of justice, compassion, and child-centered advocacy, the Young Center has played a crucial role in transforming the landscape of immigrant children’s rights in the U.S. This blog explores the history, mission, services, and impact of the Young Center, highlighting its vital work in protecting the most vulnerable among us.

History and Mission of the Young Center

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Founding and Evolution

The Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights was established in 2003 at the University of Chicago Law School. Initially created to address the growing number of unaccompanied immigrant children in detention, the Young Center has since expanded its reach and influence. It became an independent non-profit organization in 2009 and has opened several offices across the United States, including in cities like New York, Washington D.C., and Los Angeles.

Mission and Vision

The mission of the Young Center is to promote the best interests of unaccompanied and separated immigrant children. This involves advocating for their rights to safety, family reunification, and a fair immigration process. The organization envisions a world where the rights and dignity of every child are recognized and upheld, irrespective of their immigration status.

Services and Programs

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The Young Center offers a range of services designed to support and advocate for immigrant children. These services are grounded in a child-centered approach that prioritizes the individual needs and best interests of each child.

Child Advocates Program

One of the cornerstone programs of the Young Center is the Child Advocates Program. This program pairs unaccompanied and separated children with trained volunteer advocates who act as their champions throughout the immigration process. Child Advocates provide consistent support, ensuring that the child’s voice is heard and their needs are met. They visit children in detention, communicate with legal representatives, and advocate for the child’s best interests in court and administrative proceedings.

Legal Services

The Young Center provides direct legal services to immigrant children, including representation in asylum cases and other immigration matters. The organization’s legal team works to ensure that children receive fair treatment and that their cases are handled with the utmost care and attention. They also provide legal referrals and work closely with other legal service providers to ensure comprehensive support for their clients.

Policy Advocacy

Beyond direct services, the Young Center engages in policy advocacy to influence immigration policies and practices at the national level. The organization works to promote laws and policies that protect the rights and well-being of immigrant children. This includes advocating for alternatives to detention, promoting family reunification, and ensuring that children’s best interests are a central consideration in all immigration decisions.

Training and Education

The Young Center is also committed to training and educating legal professionals, social workers, and the broader community about the rights and needs of immigrant children. They offer training programs and resources that help others understand the unique challenges faced by these children and how to effectively advocate for their rights.

Impact and Achievements


The impact of the Young Center’s work is profound, touching the lives of thousands of immigrant children each year. Here are some of the key achievements and contributions of the organization:

Individual Advocacy Successes

Through its Child Advocates Program and legal services, the Young Center has achieved numerous successes in individual advocacy. Many children have been granted asylum, reunited with family members, or released from detention thanks to the organization’s dedicated efforts. Each success story represents a life transformed and a child given a chance at a safer, more stable future.

Policy Influence

The Young Center’s policy advocacy has led to significant changes in the way the U.S. handles cases involving unaccompanied and separated immigrant children. The organization has played a key role in promoting policies that prioritize children’s best interests, such as the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA), which provides critical protections for unaccompanied children.

Raising Awareness

By training legal professionals and engaging in public education, the Young Center has raised awareness about the plight of immigrant children and the importance of child-centered advocacy. Their work has helped shift public perceptions and foster greater understanding and compassion for these vulnerable children.

Collaborative Efforts

The Young Center collaborates with a wide range of organizations, government agencies, and community groups to enhance its impact. By working together with other stakeholders, the organization has been able to amplify its voice and advocate more effectively for systemic changes that benefit immigrant children.

Challenges and Future Directions

While the Young Center has achieved remarkable success, the organization continues to face significant challenges. The political and social climate surrounding immigration in the U.S. remains contentious, with frequent changes to immigration policies and enforcement practices. These challenges require the Young Center to remain adaptable and resilient in its advocacy efforts.

Increasing Demand

The number of unaccompanied and separated children arriving in the U.S. remains high, and the demand for the Young Center’s services continues to grow. Ensuring that every child receives the support and advocacy they need requires ongoing resource development and capacity building.

Addressing Systemic Issues

Systemic issues such as prolonged detention, inadequate legal representation, and the lack of child-friendly immigration procedures continue to pose significant challenges. The Young Center is committed to addressing these issues through both individual advocacy and broader policy reforms.

Expanding Reach

To meet the growing need, the Young Center aims to expand its reach and services. This includes opening new offices in strategic locations, increasing the number of volunteer advocates, and enhancing its legal and policy advocacy efforts.

Strengthening Collaborations

Building and strengthening collaborations with other organizations and stakeholders is crucial for maximizing impact. The Young Center continues to seek out partnerships that can help advance its mission and improve outcomes for immigrant children.


The Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights stands as a beacon of hope and justice for unaccompanied and separated immigrant children in the United States. Through its dedicated advocacy, legal services, and policy work, the organization has transformed countless lives and driven significant changes in the immigration system. As the challenges facing immigrant children continue to evolve, the Young Center remains steadfast in its commitment to protecting their rights and promoting their best interests. By supporting and amplifying the voices of these vulnerable children, the Young Center helps to ensure a brighter, more just future for all.

FAQs About the Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights

1. What is the Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights?

  • The Young Center is an organization dedicated to advocating for the rights and best interests of unaccompanied and separated immigrant children in the United States.

2. When was the Young Center founded?

  • The Young Center was founded in 2003 at the University of Chicago Law School and became an independent non-profit organization in 2009.

3. What services does the Young Center provide?

  • The Young Center provides child advocacy, legal services, policy advocacy, and training and education programs for immigrant children and those working with them.

4. Who are the Child Advocates?

  • Child Advocates are trained volunteers who support and advocate for unaccompanied and separated immigrant children throughout their immigration process.

5. How does the Young Center help immigrant children legally?

  • The Young Center provides direct legal representation in asylum cases and other immigration matters, ensuring fair treatment and comprehensive support.

6. What is the mission of the Young Center?

  • The mission of the Young Center is to promote the best interests of unaccompanied and separated immigrant children, advocating for their safety, family reunification, and fair treatment in the immigration system.

7. How does the Young Center influence immigration policy?

  • The Young Center engages in policy advocacy to promote laws and policies that protect immigrant children’s rights and well-being, including alternatives to detention and prioritizing family reunification.

8. Can I volunteer with the Young Center?

  • Yes, the Young Center welcomes volunteers, especially those interested in becoming Child Advocates to support and advocate for immigrant children.

9. How does the Young Center raise awareness about immigrant children’s issues?

  • The Young Center conducts training and education programs for legal professionals, social workers, and the broader community to foster understanding and effective advocacy for immigrant children’s rights.

10. What impact has the Young Center had on immigration policies?

  • The Young Center has influenced significant policy changes, such as the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA), which provides critical protections for unaccompanied children.

11. How can I support the Young Center’s work?

  • You can support the Young Center by donating, volunteering, or advocating for policies that protect the rights and well-being of immigrant children.

12. Where are the Young Center’s offices located?

  • The Young Center has offices in several U.S. cities, including Chicago, New York, Washington D.C., and Los Angeles.

13. What challenges does the Young Center face?

  • The Young Center faces challenges such as increasing demand for services, systemic issues in immigration procedures, and the need for continuous resource development and capacity building.

14. What are the future goals of the Young Center?

  • The Young Center aims to expand its reach, enhance its services, strengthen collaborations, and continue advocating for systemic changes that benefit immigrant children.

15. How do the Young Center’s services benefit immigrant children?

  • The Young Center’s services ensure that immigrant children’s voices are heard, their rights are protected, and their best interests are prioritized throughout the immigration process.

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